DOTDriverFiles 50% Off Annual Subscription Sale

DOTDriverFiles is happy to announce that through December 31st, subscribers can save 50% on the annual subscription fees for all drivers. Compliance is a must, but paying full price is not. Why not save money and buy a piece of mind for your Driver File compliance program?
Coupon Code: 2024HalfOff
Just follow these simple steps
How To Save 50%
1. Login to
2. From the Dashboard click on the bottom left: “Settings” and then “Billing”
3. Make sure you have a card added to your account.
4. Figure out how much Your subscription fees will be for the year.
***If you have more than 50 or 100 drivers in your fleet, adjust the monthly rate as displayed above.***
Simple math: # of Drivers x Monthly Rate shown above = Monthly subscription, then x 12 months = annual subscription. The best part: multiply yearly subscription by 50%
5. On the top right, enter coupon code: “2024HalfOff” in the box and click Apply. It will verify right there.
6. Click on “Add Funds” and enter the amount desired.
7. Check the authorize box, and click “Yes, Submit”
8. You are done. Instant transfer and No subscription fees for a year.
If you want to check out our 1 minute step by step guided video, you can do so HERE
DOTDriverFiles is honored you have chosen to manage your Driver File compliance with us. We strive to make our software better and easier to use on a consistent basis. Please reach out with all questions, suggestions and ideas. We love to hear from you. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas and Great New Year.